The Credit Scoring Site A bleak account 


False information published by Nerdwallet - 20200316
Even after a drubbing over spreading certain false information, a popular personal finance website maintains the same false notion.

Open letter to New York Times about credit scores, 20200224
Famous newspaper publishes false information about credit scores

Real nerds correct their misinformation, #1412k, #creditchat
Correspondence to California regarding #Myth2, data used to calculate credit scores, and a credit score range. Numbers don't lie.

Credit Score Myth 2, Reuters and employers
Five years later, the bizarre story regarding false information about employers using credit scores continues.

Credit Score Myth 4: A 30% so-called utilization ratio
Some guy going on about 60 percent, now, too

Credit Score Myth 2 and the Donut
False information, leading the Better Business Bureau right to the solution, and its response