Easy Wikipedia edits you can make, 2015
Go to Wikipedia now and make these simple edits. You could leave it as it is, but being bold has never been easier! #EasyEdit
. Updated April 28, 2014.
#EasyEdit: Dead link to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. ("Ranking")
#EasyEdit: If a #range is (as Wikipedia says) 300 to 850, then what is the difference of the extremes (550) called? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit_sc...
#EasyEdit: Score Power is not spelled *ScorePower.* en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cred... See equifax.com/credit-sc...
#EasyEdit: Scores are based SOLELY "on information in consumer credit reports," not PRIMARILY. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit_s... myfico.com/crediteduca...
(To @Jimmy_Wales) Another #EasyEdit You Can Make, #WikiWiki-pedians! Editor is twitter.com/ingwer..., not @JohnYemma. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ch...
#Wikipedia. Dead link to a false document. #1504W #Myth2 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credi... #EasyEdit U Can Make #HelloCalifornia bloomberg.com/bw/sto...