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From: Greg Fisher [mailto:greg@creditscoring.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 11:38 AM
To: Paula Pant
Cc: Murtaza Amil; Tim Armstong, chairman and CEO, AOL (via M. Sullivan)
Subject: credit score, closing an account

See this message and your response at http://creditscoring.com/interaction/2014/09/03.html .

In the Huffington Post, you wrote

Don't close old accounts. It may seem counterintuitive, but closing an old account you've paid off can actually hurt your score as it will no longer count towards your credit history. If you've got old cards you haven't used in forever, charge something on them now and then (and pay it off immediately) to keep your credit history strong.

However, according to Fair Isaac (the credit score company whose risk score you mentioned in the same article)

Closing an account doesn't make it go away A closed account will still show up on your credit report, and its history will be considered by your FICO Score.

So, now, do you still believe that your item is accurate?

Greg Fisher
The Credit Scoring Site
Page A2
PO Box 342
Dayton, Ohio 45409-0342

Original social media message (see replies (date link below))

10 ways to boost your all-important credit score http://t.co/ig9dMfT56O

— DailyFinance(@daily_finance) September 2, 2014

Also, see


