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TransUnion advice on how closing accounts affects credit score

| By Greg Fisher

TransUnion (created by the Union Tank Car Company) states: "Try not to close the oldest account on your credit reports. This could shorten your active credit history and damage your score."

However, Fair Isaac, TransUnion's FICO score partner, says, "Closing an account doesn't make it go away - A closed account will still show up on your credit report, and its history will be considered by your FICO Score." (See No. 8 on the "Credit score myths" list.)

Besides, Fair Isaac knows all FICO score secrets. Why? Because, of course, they're the ones who made them up!

In an effort to illustrate the efficacy of a social media message, there is a link to this page, and a corresponding message on another website. Supposedly-- supposedly-- the recipient can see that message.

And, furthermore, there is a hashtag! A hashtag is a sort of beacon that leads people to other messages with the same beacon. What else, but Hashtag: #AskAudrey!

So, with the conflicting information above, there's trouble in Windy City. But, one person stands ready to help. A real, live, human being. An ombudsman. An advocate. A friend: Ask Audrey ("TM")("R").

Audrey O'Dell is consumer reporting agency TransUnion's pretty face.

Here she is before her glamour makeover:

And after!

Hashtag #HokeySmoke!

Concerned about identity theft? You bet I am! Let's have coffee on Lakeshore, sometime, Ask Audrey("TM")! I'm sure we can straighten this whole thing out.