The Credit Scoring Site A bleak account 

Utilization ratio myths

Unnamed financial experts and their advice on credit scores
They recommend 30% so-called credit utilization ratios, and many mention those personal finance experts. But, who are they? 2018-05-23

FICO describes confusion regarding 30% utilization ratio idea
Counters false belief that credit cards with a balance at 30% of their limit create the most points in credit scores. #myth4 2016-07-05

There is no such thing as credit karma
Unsubstantiated, silly nonsense on the internet about personal finance. Who are the unnamed frauds called experts? #myth4 2014-01-27

Credit score utilization ratio, the magic number - Myth #4
Debunking the myth of the 30 Percent Solution, the credit card balance to-limit ratio safe zone. 2014-08-04

Credit Score Myth 4,, and Fair Isaac
Utterances of the myth that there is something significant about a so-called credit utilization ratio of 30 percent. 2015-11-09

Fair Isaac Corporation said so
What's so special about 50 percent? 2015-07-10

Credit score utilization ratio, state of Nevada #n536
#HelloNevada! HelloIllinois! Let us in on the secret to the credit utilization ratio. #DotGov. 2015-04-02

Congressman: Employers use scores, and utilization ratio importance
Treasury says employers use scores, and a congressman complains; also complains about utilization ratio effect. 2009-11-24

Washington Post cites FICO on credit score utilization magic number
Columnist Michelle Singletary writes what Fair Isaac recommends, Fair Isaac makes subsequent contrary statement. 2016-08-02

Credit scores and two experts mentioned by the Chicago Tribune
Unnamed experts suggest a 25% so-called utilization ratio while others' unnamed experts say 30. 2014-05-23

Credit score #myth4: Comcast - Reporters with internet
What's so special about a 25 percent (or 30 percent) so-called credit utilization ratio, VantageScore. 2015-06-15

Credit Score Myth 4, Nerdwallet and the U.S. Army
A military financial readiness program manager replies regarding the 30 percent utilization ratio threshold myth. 2016-06-16

Time is not a factor in credit score utilization ratio
There is, indeed, a quick way to increase a credit score: Decreasing an account balance to lower its balance to-limit ratio (the so-called "credit utilization"). 2014-12-23

Experian on 30 percent, the credit utilization ratio magic number
Audio of Experian spokesman on 30%, 10%, very high, very low, rule of-thumb and ultimate goal for credit card balance to-limit ratios, and closing accounts. 2015-03-13

Credit score utilization ratio misinformation
Exploding a myth. This one is mathematically impossible. 2009-11-01

The So-Called "Credit Utilization Ratio," and Advice About It
Keep it to (fill in your own number here)%. 2008-11-08

The Christian Science Monitor and two credit score utilization ratio experts
#Myth4: Alive, well, and bicoastal, in Massachusetts, Florida and certainly, California. 2015-04-09

#Myth4: Chicago Tribune and Consumer Federation of America
What's so special about a 25 percent so-called credit utilization ratio? Or: I know you are, but what am I? 2015-06-06

Credit score Myth 4 and the United States government #myth4
30 percent, the alleged utilization ratio magic number, gets scrutiny thanks to Consumer Reports and the CFPB (aka BCFP). 2015-03-04

uFAQ - Unanswered Frequently Asked Questions
The unanswered question is the only one worth asking
uFAQ #2. Whodunit (see Myth #4): Who are the experts who recommend a so-called "credit utilization ratio" of 30% or less?

Wikipedia error on credit score utilization ratio
4 years and running. 2009-06-26

Tag: utilization ratio
The Credit Score Blog

Credit score myths
Myths, urban legends, misinformation and other falsity and nonsense about credit scores. Evidence and debunking. A growing list.

Myth 4: 30 percent is a magic number regarding an account's balance to-limit ratio.
Truth: "The more you owe compared to your credit limit, the lower your score will be." - Fair Isaac