Influence: Hearst
Hearst's San Francisco Chronicle, Investopedia and Fabulously Broke in the City and credit scores in employment and job screening
| By Greg Fisher
On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Greg Fisher wrote [to Fabulously Broke in the City]: Message body: You wrote, "From your prospective employers to your prospective landlords, most companies will check your credit score in order to gauge their risk." * Who is your source regarding credit score use by employers? |
"Twentysomething" by Jamie Cullum
From: FB & The Everyday Minimalist
Hi Greg, From this page: And I read an article a while back by Liz Pulliam Weston of MSN Money that stated something similar: ‡ Thanks!
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TWITTER: @brokeinthecity |
From: Greg Fisher
The pages states: "An employment report provides everything a standard credit report would provide. However it doesn't include your credit score or date of birth." The MSN Money article does not contain the word score. To what words in those items do you refer? Greg Fisher
From: FB & The Everyday Minimalist
You're right. I should have put in the first paragraph: From your prospective employers to your prospective landlords, most companies will check your credit report and/or score in order to gauge their risk. If you note in the first paragraph I do talk about score, but in regards to low or high income, I wrote the following: You may find information about your employer listed on your report, but your income has no impact on your credit score. So if you earn a low salary, don't fret about it being a factor when you go to ask for a loan - just be certain that you can pay on time, because those payments will affect your credit score. .. but I didn't mention that the employer would be checking the credit score. |
From: FB & The Everyday Minimalist
I'm sorry? What is this in regards to? I don't appreciate being unknowingly dragged into any kind of political fight or battle and I will now stop responding to your emails. I am only a writer who made a mistake in not clarifying between credit report and score, and I am in the midst of rectifying that. Please don't assume anything more. From: Greg Fisher
Come in from the cold. Your colleague did. From: Greg Fisher
The pages states: "An employment report provides everything a standard credit report would provide. However it doesn't include your credit score or date of birth." The MSN Money article does not contain the word score. To what words in those items do you refer? Greg Fisher
From: FB & The Everyday Minimalist [] Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 7:31 AM To: Greg Fisher Subject: Re: credit score, employers, San Francisco Chronicle Hi Greg, From this page: And I read an article a while back by Liz Pulliam Weston of MSN Money that stated something similar: Thanks!
On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Greg Fisher wrote: Message body: You wrote, "From your prospective employers to your prospective landlords, most companies will check your credit score in order to gauge their risk." Who is your source regarding credit score use by employers? --
Contact Form 7
TWITTER: @brokeinthecity From: Greg Fisher
Please reply. From: Greg Fisher
You wrote, "Insurance companies, landlords and employers may also look at your credit score to see how financially responsible you are before issuing an insurance policy, renting out an apartment or giving you a job." ‡ Who is your source regarding credit score use by employers? Greg Fisher
From: Greg Fisher
Explain the uncanny similarity between your article and "10 Things That Don't Affect Your Credit Score" on |

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