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The Errors of Kerry Picket and Kirby Puckett

One statistic is history and will not change; the other continues

| By Greg Fisher


Kirby Puckett Kerry Picket
51 (lifetime) 1

In his major league baseball career, Kirby Puckett made 51 errors.

Kerry Picket made one error (so far). Her career in writing continues

Earlier this month, Picket falsely wrote, "However, Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell told reporters Tuesday, referencing Minority Leader Harry Reid’s changing of the filibuster rules to benefit the majority for non-judicial appointments, that Republicans will use every advantage they now have." #Error7

Today, Picket's article reads, "However, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell told reporters Tuesday, referencing Minority Leader Harry Reid’s changing of the filibuster rules to benefit the majority for non-judicial appointments, that Republicans will use every advantage they now have." #1612h


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