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The Daily in the Daily Caller

Weekly-- with truth-- would be better

| By Greg Fisher


Evidence indicates that an article in the Daily Caller falsely stated, "However, Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell told reporters Tuesday, referencing Minority Leader Harry Reid’s changing of the filibuster rules to benefit the majority for non-judicial appointments, that Republicans will use every advantage they now have."

Senator McConnell is, actually, the majority leader.

Now, the article reads, "However, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell told reporters Tuesday, referencing Minority Leader Harry Reid’s changing of the filibuster rules to benefit the majority for non-judicial appointments, that Republicans will use every advantage they now have."

The error simply disappeared. #justdisappeared

Veracity check of the Daily Caller

In 2011, David B. Cohen wrote, "Republicans noted that American Samoa’s largest employer was a tuna cannery owned by a subsidiary of Del Monte, which just so happened to be based in House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s district."

Nancy Pelosi has never been Majority Leader. She was the speaker of the House, and therefore in the line of presidential succession after the vice president.

According to the official history of the United States of America, Steny Hoyer was Majority Leader.

The 2011 Daily Caller article identifies its author as "David Cohen" "Former Deputy Assistant Sec. of the Interior."

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