Team Y ACB Facts in Response to U.S. PIRG Proposed Announcement 3/12/98
The secret of your success: "The availability of fast, accurate consumer credit history information is the reason why Americans enjoy their unusually high standard of living"
"It stretches all credibility to conclude that these credit risk decisions are being made based on data that is as incorrect as US PIRG would want people to believe"
"In the only statistically valid study conducted to date, Arthur Andersen concluded that in only two-tenths of one percent of the over 15,000 cases studied, were consumers denied a benefit based on an error in their credit report."
Experian: The "nightmare on credit street" fallacy
Team X PIRG: NIGHTMARE ON CREDIT STREET - Mistakes Do Happen: Credit Report Errors Mean Consumers Lose
"Throughout the 1990s, credit report errors have been a serious problem that several states and Congress have addressed."
"This is the PIRGs' sixth study on credit report accuracy and privacy issues since 1991."
"Altogether, 70% of the credit reports contained either serious errors or other mistakes of some kind."
"Consumers should be allowed access to credit scores and explanations as a part of their credit reports."